Today I watch an inspring movie on You tube.I feel very touched and moved by the video.
Please spare 1 hour 30 minutes of your time to watch this video because it contains important messages that is going to shape our future!!! Most of us have forgotten how much the Earth have supported us and we starts taking all the blessings for granted. The video starts by telling how life is first formed on earth and ends by urging us we all play a role to make our HOME a sustainable place to support our living.
As a habitant on Earth,I feel obliged to share the movie link to you here:
Just copy the URL link and paste it to your browser to watch the movie.
Besides,you can also search this movie with its title:"HOME (English with subtitles)" on You tube.
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.
The stakes are high for us and our children.Everyone should take part in the effort because we are one family and we share a common HOME-the Earth!Every species on Earth are closely related to one another to support one another in the ecosystem.It is a crucial time for us to come together to save our Mother Earth, our HOME from depletion of resources and global warming.We can start doing our bits by practicing recycling, car pooling, reducing the usage of plastic bags...in our daily life.The future of Mother Earth lies in our hands.